Posts Tagged ‘DIY’

It’s a stencil. From Stencil Library. Based in the UK, they also have a great blog with lots of examples of how their stencils can utilized. Love it.



Via Little Green Notebook, great DIY embellishment idea for those storage cube ottomans that you see at Target and Bed Bath and Beyond. Take this: and do this:

… with spreads in magazines or on websites that feature items described as “bargain”, “cheap” or “affordable” and those items still cost a couple hundred dollars. While I completely understand that in relation to some other things, especially where furniture, etc, is concerned, $200 actually IS fairly cheap and might be a real bargain compared […]

Via Apartment Therapy, super cool before & after of a wood grain wall design. Looks very pro and possibly expensive but it’s not. It’s CONTACT PAPER. Nice. The after: And for reference, the before:

domino magazine has a great How To/ DIY section on their website, including several articles and galleries specifically devoted to budget decorating. One of my favorites is this gallery that features ideas and tips sent in by domino readers. And don’t forget the $1 design finds from blogger and domino contributor, Katy Elliott. Also, I […]



Here’s a great how-to from Craft Leftovers on how to make your own small gift boxes. Downloadable templates so that you can just print, cut, fold and tape or glue. I have a feeling you could probably resize the print for gift boxes in a variety of sizes. Get it HERE.

The fact that the major printer companies have their own websites with paper focused craft projects isn’t really a new story, however it was news to me (via this post at How About Orange) that some of the projects were for grown ups! After perusing the Canon Creative Park, I headed over to the the […]