Posts Tagged ‘CHEAP!’

But I think I would be willing to suffer for this one: From Shlomit Ofir on Etsy.

How about neither? These were all over the internet 2 weeks ago because of Earth Day but definitely still relevant today for 2 reasons: 1: They look good (I must have the blue chevron one!) 2: Skipping the plastic bag at the market/ deli/ bookstore/ target/ wherever is one of the easist things you can […]

… with spreads in magazines or on websites that feature items described as “bargain”, “cheap” or “affordable” and those items still cost a couple hundred dollars. While I completely understand that in relation to some other things, especially where furniture, etc, is concerned, $200 actually IS fairly cheap and might be a real bargain compared […]

Via Apartment Therapy, super cool before & after of a wood grain wall design. Looks very pro and possibly expensive but it’s not. It’s CONTACT PAPER. Nice. The after: And for reference, the before:

I really have to hand it to Old Navy. Honestly, I feel like I’ve been seeing some generally cute stuff there for the past few years, but in the past few months they have really stepped up their game. Not only have the clothes and accessories gotten better, but I think their ad campaigns and […]